Deals / 14 May 2024

Find the original article on Oligofeed’s LinkedIn here.


Oligofeed, a young Lyon-based deeptech specializing in the research and development of revolutionary macronutrients for bees, has launched a €600,000 fund-raising campaign to bring its solutions to market. Joffe & Associés (Thomas Saltiel, Océane Christmann and Clémence Bressolin) advised investor The Yield Lab Europe, and EY Ventury Avocats (Julien Tamagno and Margaux Noujarède) acted on behalf of Oligofeed in this transaction.


The decline of bees represents a major challenge to global food security. This disappearance is largely attributed to factors such as disease and the parasite Varroa Destructor, which are contributing to an alarming excess mortality of these essential pollinators. In order to counter the threat of extinction facing bees, Oligofeed intends to develop its revolutionary micronutrient, the fruit of nearly eight years’ research, in more than 5 countries. The product boosts the immune system of pollinating bees, reducing their mortality rate by up to 80%.


This round of financing was underwritten by The Yield Lab Europe and the following investors: CCI Capital Croissance, Frédéric Banzet, Jadeplat Limited Liability Company, Frédéric Robert and Etablissements Peugeot Frères.


To date, the company has been able to grow thanks to funding from friends and family, and subsidies obtained through competitions, notably by winning the I-Lab 2030 competition organized by Bpifrance. In order to move into the commercialization phase, Oligofeed finalized a first capital increase in April 2024, while keeping a certain amount of discretion regarding the amount sought and the investors mobilized. This capital increase is also intended to broaden the company’s product range.


Aneta Ozieranska, co-founder of the deepetch, explains in an official company statement, “With pollinator health declining, it’s crucial that the funding ecosystem supports innovative approaches to solving this problem. I’m delighted to welcome our new partners, who bring valuable expertise to improve our chances of success.”


Oligofeed is looking to expand its range of possibilities, with the aim of going to market in mid-2025.

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