Wattalps boosts its ambitions by raising €11 million

News / 19 September 2024

Wattalps, a company based in the Isère region and specialising in the manufacture of batteries for industrial vehicles, has just raised €11 million, marking a key stage in its development. Joffe & Associés (Thomas Saltiel, Charlotte Viandaz and Clémence Bressolin) advised investors KIC Innoenergy SE and EIC Fund on this transaction.


Backed by a number of investors, the aim of the round is to boost Wattalps’ production capacity and accelerate its expansion on the European market. The company, which focuses on high-performance modular batteries, aims to meet the growing demand for clean energy solutions for off-road vehicles and other specialised machinery.


Thanks to this financial injection, Wattalps plans to invest in cutting-edge equipment and expand its product range to meet the needs of a more diversified customer base. The funding will also enable the company to support its innovation strategy, particularly in research and development, in order to offer ever more effective and sustainable solutions. The aim is to boost its competitiveness in a fast-growing market where the energy transition is becoming essential for manufacturers.


This round of funding reflects the growing interest in battery technologies in the construction, agriculture and industrial transport sectors. With the support of its new financial partners, Wattalps is well positioned to play a major role in the transition to greener energies, while consolidating its position as the leader in modular energy solutions in Europe.

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